Below is a list of Life Group curriculum. If you are a life group leader and would like to check out any material, please fill out the form by clicking the button below and we will have them for you in the info center at our next service.
20/20 Seen, Chosen, Sent by Christine Caine
Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer
Becoming Myself by Stasi Eldredge
BREATHE by Priscilla Shirer
Captivating by Stasi Eldredge
GIDEON by Priscilla Shirer
He Speaks to Me by Priscilla Shirer
Kingdom Woman by Tony Evans & Chrystal Evans Hurst
Lord, Heal my Hurts by Kay Arthur
Lord, Teach Me to Pray by Kay Arthur
Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst
Made to Crave Action Plan by Lysa TerKeurst & Dr. Ski Chilton
Me Myself & Lies by Jennifer Rothschild
One In a Million by Priscilla Shirer
Outrageous Women by Charlotte Gambill
Respectfully Yours by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs
Ruth, The Romance of Redemption by Diana Hagee
Unglued by Lysa TerKeurst
Clean by Douglas Weiss, PHD
FIGHT by Craig Groeschel
Healing the Masculine Soul by Gordon Dalbey
Kingdom Man by Tony Evans
Men Stepping Up by Dennis Rainey
Model Man by Larry Stockstill
Wild @ Heart by John Eldredge
Church and the Single Mom, The: Why You Should Care and What You Can Do by Jennifer Barnes Maggio
Overwhelmed, The life of a Single Mom by Jennifer Maggio
5 Love Languages, The by Dr. Gary Chapman
The Art of Marriage by FL company group
Becoming One by Jimmy Evans
Couples Class by Francis Martin
Emotionally Healthy Marriage by Jimmy Evans
Every Great Marriage by Jimmy Evans
Growing Marriage, A or The Marriage You've Always Wanted by Gary Chapman
Keys to Loving Relationships by Gary Smalley
Kingdom Marriage by Tony Evans
Indestructible Marriage, The by Jimmy Evans
Love & Respect by Dr. Emerson and Sarah Eggerichs
Love & War - Find Your Way to Something Beautiful in Your Marriage by John & Stasi Eldredge
Love Talk by Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott
Marriage on the Rock by Jimmy Evans
Marriage You've Always Wanted, The by Dr. Gary Chapman
Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas
Story of Marriage, The by John and Lisa Bevere
Developing the Leaders Around You by John Maxwell
John Maxwell Signature Series by John Maxwell
Learning to Become a Person of Influence by John Maxwell
#struggles by Craig by Groeschel
40 Days in the Word by Rick Warren
Alpha by Nicky Gumbel
Altar Ego by Craig Groeschel
Answers in Genesis by Ken Ham
Bait of Satan by John Bevere
Basic.Series by Francis Chan
Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer
Boundaries by Drs. Henry Cloud & John Townsend
Breaking Intimidation by John Bevere
Christian Atheist, The by Craig Groeschel
Conquer by Kingdom Works Studio
Covenant God's Enduring Promises by Kay Arthur
Crash the Chatterbox by Steven Furtick
Crazy Love by Francis Chan
Daring Faith by Rick Warren
Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer
DNA of Relationships by Gary and Michael Smalley
Extraordinary - The Life You're Meant to Live by John Bevere
Fearless by Max Lucado
Follow by Andy Stanley
Forgotten God by Francis Chan
Fresh Air by Chris Hodges
Good or God by John Bevere
Greater by Steven Furtick
Hidden Power of Humility, The by John Bevere
Holy Spirit an Introduction by John Bevere
Honors Reward by John Bevere
Jonah by Priscilla Shirer
Living Out of My True Self by Terry Wardle
Love Revolution, The by Joyce Meyer
Passion Talk Series by Louie Giglio
Power of God’s Names by Tony Evans
Rapture Revelation, The by Perry Stone
Removing Planks & Specks by Dudley Bienvenu
Seed Pack 1 by Priscilla Shirer
Seed Pack 2 by Priscilla Shirer
Seeking Him by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Tim Grissom
Thirty (30) Days to Taming your Tongue by Deborah Smith Pegues
Tough Questions about the Rapture by Perry Stone
Truth Project, The by Dr. Del Tackett
Undercover by John Bevere
Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation by Dennis Peterson
Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis by Institute for Creation Research
What on Earth am I Here For? by Rick Warren
Wounded by Terry Wardle
The Art of Parenting by Dennis & Barbara Rainey
Boundaries with Kids by Drs. Henry Cloud & John Townsend
Grace Based Parenting – Creating an Atmosphere of Grace by Dr. Tim Kimmel
Growing Kids God's Way by Gary & Anne Marie Ezzo
Lead Your Family Like Jesus by Ken Blanchard, Phil Hodges & Tricia Goyer
Preparing your Son for Every Man's Battle by Stephen Arterburn
Raising a Modern-Day Knight by Robert Lewis
Raising Kingdom Kids by Tony Evans
Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Trip
Smart Stepfamily, The by Ron L. Deal
Train Up a Child in Wisdom by Merida Brooks
Before Amen by Max Lucado
Circle Maker, The by Mark Batterson
Live a Praying Life by Jennifer Kennedy Dean
Prayer Does It Make Any Difference? by Philip Yancey
Teach Us to Pray by Todd Menard
Financial Fitness by Rick Warren
Money Matters by Dave Ramsey and Craig Groeschel