Serve Day Projects

Project Types

Blood Drive

Sunday, July 28 | 10am - 1pm

Make sure to click the ‘Register’ button at the end to receive your confirmation email. If you do not receive a confirmation email, you did not complete the registration.

Give the gift of life!

Join us after service, July 28th, in the front parking lot at the Vitalant Bloodmobile.  All donations benefit local hospitals. 

Please Register in advance.

Your confirmation email will contain a link to Vitalant and allow you to schedule your donation for a more efficient experience. 

For further information on Donor Requirements and to schedule your appointment see the links below.  

Must be at least 16 years old. Donors under 18 must be accompanied by parent and have their written consent to donate.


Take a look at these common questions or reach out to contact us.

  • No, you do not; however, if your church is having a serve week, we encourage you to partner with them.

  • Wear your FLC t-shirt! Sunscreen, water, and a hat are always a good idea. Some projects may require additional items. Your Team Leader will contact you. (Examples: Gloves, rakes, lawnmower, pressure washer, step ladders, and Ice chest with water or cold drinks.)

  • Sign up online by picking a project above. You can also be apart by simple acts kindness you can do yourself. Check out our DIY projects here.

  • Yes, if the project allows for their age group. (i.e. Lawn care, Nursing Home, Care bags, etc.)

  • Of course!

  • Please get with your Team Leader for project details, due to parking space and security at projects.