Serve Day Projects

Project Types

Feeding the Homeless

Saturday, August 3 | 10am - 4pm

Join us in preparing food and serving the homeless in our community. We will meet at the church in the back parking lot (by Building J) @ 10:00am Saturday, Aug 3rd, to prep and package food. Then we will load up and caravan together to multiple locations.

Must be at least 12 years old and accompanied by a parent.


Take a look at these common questions or reach out to contact us.

  • No, you do not; however, if your church is having a serve week, we encourage you to partner with them.

  • Wear your FLC t-shirt! Sunscreen, water, and a hat are always a good idea. Some projects may require additional items. Your Team Leader will contact you. (Examples: Gloves, rakes, lawnmower, pressure washer, step ladders, and Ice chest with water or cold drinks.)

  • Sign up online by picking a project above. You can also be apart by simple acts kindness you can do yourself. Check out our DIY projects here.

  • Yes, if the project allows for their age group. (i.e. Lawn care, Nursing Home, Care bags, etc.)

  • Of course!

  • Please get with your Team Leader for project details, due to parking space and security at projects.